Name Significance: Named in honor of the Afghan National Army 201st Corps, whose name in Dari was "Selab" translating to "avalanche" or "flood." 201st Corps area of operations consisted of the most contentious and dangerous areas of Regional Command (RC) East and later named Train-Advise-Assist-Command (TAAC) East; consisting of Kunar, Nangarhar, Laghman, Kapisa, Nuristan, Panjshayr, and Parwan provinces. 201st Corps headquarters was located at Tactical Base (TB) Gamberi in Laghman Province.
Program Intent: Increased work capacity and endurance. Due to the higher rep schemes, METCONs, and cardio this program lends itself well to weight loss.
Intended Audience: This program was written with the deployed service member in mind, where they may not have access to a lot of equipment. But if able to plan ahead, they can easily pack out an empty sandbag, jump rope, and set of rings/TRX and be ready to go whenever and whenever needed.
Scalable to all ages and backgrounds. Alternate exercise provided for people dealing with injuries.
Equipment Needed: Fitness sandbag, jump rope, rings/TRX system/way to do pullups, a way to dips (bench/rings/TRX), and if needed means to do an alternate form of cardio other than running if dealing with an injury.
Experience Needed: Beginner to Moderate. None of the movements in this program are overly advanced, but should have a general fitness background to complete the program as prescribed. This program can be easily scaled for those not ready for the full volume.
Length/Frequency: 6 weeks, following a 3-2 split and active recovery recommended on all non training days. If moving with a purpose most training days can be completed within an hour, but if more rest periods are needed some may take up to 75-90 minutes.
Design/Concept: The program begins with lower amounts of volume and then slowly builds each week, with some workouts being repeated in the final week (week 6) to observe improvement over time. Pure cardio is programmed 4 times per week in varying lengths and durations, but one specific sprinting day is included each week to develop high end output.
While some days may be more lower body focused than others, the whole body is trained almost everyday. Each METCON, volume block, and chipper is designed not to overly tax a specific muscle group to allow rapid transitions between exercises and keep the heartrate elevated. A proper warm up and stretching is included everyday in order to prevent injury as well as accumulating even more volume over the course of the program.
Monday (D1): Volume + Cardio
Tuesday (D2): Tabata or METCONs
Wednesday (D3): Sprints or Intervals
Thursday (D4): Active Recovery*
Friday (D5): Volume + Cardio
Saturday (D6): Chipper + Cardio
Sunday (D7): Active Recovery*
* = Active Recovery is recommended, but can be used as a rest day as needed
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Avalanche W1D1
Light Stretch: Legs + Lower Back
Choose 1:⠀⠀⠀
Jog 400m / Row 1km / 50 Calories on Assault Bike⠀⠀⠀⠀
25 Burpees / 30 Double Unders / 90 Single Unders
Deeper Stretch: Legs + Lower Back
5 Round Grind
10 HR Pushups
10 Ring Rows or 5 Pullups
10 OH SB Presses
10 SB Front Squats
10 SB Situps⠀⠀
Choose 1:
Run 3 miles / Row 5km / Bike 300 Calories
or 30 minutes LIC, do not switch machines
Walk 400m
5 Minute Stretch
Avalanche W1D2
Light Stretch: Legs + Lower Back
Choose 1:⠀⠀⠀
Jog 400m / Row 1km / 50 Calories on Assault Bike⠀⠀⠀⠀
25 Burpees / 30 Double Unders / 90 Single Unders
Deeper Stretch: Legs + Lower Back
TABATA: 45 on/ 15 off
3 Rounds
1) SB Thrusters
2) Situps
3) Single Unders
4) Pushups
5) SB Front Squats
6) SB Rows
7) Leg Raises
8) Lunges
9) SB Over Shoulder Throws
10) Plank w/pass throughs
Walk 400m
5 Minute Stretch
Avalanche W1D3
Sprint + Legs (No Equipment Needed)⠀
Legs + Back⠀⠀
3 rounds – 20m down/back⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Lunge + Instep⠀⠀
High Knees⠀
Butt Kicks⠀
Lateral Walk⠀⠀⠀
Karaoke ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Choose 1:⠀⠀⠀
Jog 400m / Row 1km / 50 Calories on Assault Bike⠀⠀⠀⠀
25 Burpees / 30 Double Unders / 90 Single Unders⠀
Suicide/shuttle sprint execution. ⠀
BYOB (bring your own bucket) to puke in⠀
Set up cones/mark out distances at 0m (start), 50m, and 100m.
Limit your rest, but also allow time for ample recovery.
Listen to your body and push your limits. ⠀
2 x 300m ⠀
– 50m down/back⠀
– 100m down/back⠀
2 x 200m⠀
– 100m down/back⠀
2 x 200m⠀
– 50m down/back x 2⠀
2 x 100m⠀
– 100m down, no turn⠀
2 x 100m⠀
– 50m down/back⠀
4 x 50m⠀
– 50m down, no turn⠀
3 Round Grind⠀
Walking Lunges 100m⠀⠀
Jog Back ⠀⠀
Jog 400 / Row 500m / Bike 1 mile⠀⠀⠀⠀
Stretch for 5 minutes⠀